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Complete demolition of a multi-story building with ironwork supporting structure


  • Demolition in roofing with overhead machines
  • Hot sectioning overhead
  • Top down demolition concrete/carpentry
  • Hot cutting - cold cutting heavy carpentry


Milano, piazzale Lugano


Built in 1964 for the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Italian Postal Service Group's building remained in operation until 2000, sorting parcels, with trains entering the plant from the adjacent Farini yard. The building, of large proportions (more than 35 m high; 2,000 sq. m. per floor area), has a massive load-bearing structure in metal carpentry with brick and concrete infill. The mechanical demolition entrusted to Armofer is a spectacular and complex operation due to the consistency of the structures. An 80 q crawler excavator is moved to the roof along with mini machines for the demolition of the roof itself and the higher floors. Spectacular was the dismantling of the huge iron structures repeated at each floor (intermediate floor height 6.50 m) with series of hot cuts after laying the structures bare and checking the bearing capacity of the slabs at each point. From the ground, two state-of-the-art long boom excavators intervened: the Liebherr 954 and the brand new Liebherr 960, which always worked from inside the site with extreme attention to the adjacent busy Milan overpass and environmental control. - - - - - - - - -



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